- get(StateHelper, String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.component.EditableValueHolderStateHelper
- get(String) - Method in interface org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.Cache
Gets a value from the cache
- get(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
- get(String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.TimeToLiveCache
- get(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.MapWrapper
- get(Serializable) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.State
Attempts to find a value associated with the specified key in the component's state.
- get(Serializable, Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.State
Attempts to find a value associated with the specified key in the component's state.
- getActionURL(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.facesviews.FacesViewsViewHandler
- getApplication() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the application singleton.
- getApplicationAttribute(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the application scope attribute value associated with the given name.
- getApplicationMap() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the application scope map.
- getAsObject(FacesContext, UIComponent, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.converter.SelectItemsConverter
- getAsString(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.converter.SelectItemsConverter
- getAttributes() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.input.ViewParam
- getBuffer() - Method in class org.omnifaces.servlet.BufferedHttpServletResponse
Flushses and returns the buffered response.
- getCache(FacesContext, String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.CacheFactory
Gets an instance of a Cache using the configured cache provider.
- getCache(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.CacheInstancePerScopeProvider
- getCache(FacesContext, String) - Method in interface org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.CacheProvider
Gets an instance of a Cache using the configured cache provider.
- getCacheProvider(ServletContext) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.CacheFactory
Gets the cache provider as it has been set in the ServletContext.
- getCacheProvider(FacesContext) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.CacheFactory
Gets the cache provider that has been set, or the default provider if none is present.
- getChildCount() - Method in class org.omnifaces.model.tree.ListTreeModel
- getChildCount() - Method in interface org.omnifaces.model.tree.TreeModel
Returns the count of the children of the current tree node.
- getChildren() - Method in class org.omnifaces.model.tree.ListTreeModel
- getChildren() - Method in interface org.omnifaces.model.tree.TreeModel
Returns an unmodifiable list of all child tree nodes of the current tree node.
- getClosestParent(UIComponent, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Returns from the given component the closest parent of the given parent type, or null
if none
is found.
- getCommonPropertyType(ELContext, Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELResolverWrapper
- getComponents() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateMultipleFields
Returns the client identifiers of components which are to be validated.
- getContainerClientId(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.Tree
An override which appends the index of the current model node to the client ID chain, if any available.
- getContext(Class) - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELContextWrapper
- getContext() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the current faces context.
- getCurrentComponent() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Returns the current UI component from the EL context.
- getCurrentForm() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Returns the currently submitted UI form component, or null
if there is none, which may happen when
the current request is not a postback request at all, or when the view has been changed by for example a
successful navigation.
- getCurrentModelNode() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.Tree
Returns the current node of the tree model.
- getCurrentPhaseId() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the current phase ID.
- getData() - Method in class org.omnifaces.model.tree.ListTreeModel
- getData() - Method in interface org.omnifaces.model.tree.TreeModel
Returns the wrapped data of the current tree node.
- getDefaultCacheProvider() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.CacheFactory
Returns an instance of the default cache provider.
- getDefaultLocale() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the default locale, or null
if there is none.
- getELResolver() - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELContextWrapper
- getExceptionHandler() - Method in class org.omnifaces.exceptionhandler.FullAjaxExceptionHandlerFactory
- getExpressionString() - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.MethodExpressionValueExpressionAdapter
- getExternalContext() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the current external context.
- getFaceletAttribute(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the Facelet attribute value associated with the given name.
- getFaceletContext() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the Facelet context.
- getFamily() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.Cache
- getFamily() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.ConditionalComment
- getFamily() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.ResourceInclude
- getFamily() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.script.ScriptFamily
- getFamily() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeFamily
- getFamily() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidatorFamily
- getFeatureDescriptors(ELContext, Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELResolverWrapper
- getFilterConfig() - Method in class org.omnifaces.filter.HttpFilter
Returns the filter config.
- getFlash() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the flash scope.
- getFlashAttribute(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the flash scope attribute value associated with the given name.
- getFunctionMapper() - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELContextWrapper
- getIf() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.ConditionalComment
Returns the if condition.
- getImplInfo() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the implementation information of currently loaded JSF implementation.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.omnifaces.model.tree.ListTreeModel
- getIndex() - Method in interface org.omnifaces.model.tree.TreeModel
Returns the zero-based unique index of the current tree node.
- getInitParameter(String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.filter.HttpFilter
Returns the value of the filter init parameter associated with the given name.
- getInitParameter(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the application initialization parameter.
- getInitParameterMap() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the application initialization parameter map.
- getKey() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.Cache
- getLabel(UIComponent) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Returns the value of the label
attribute associated with the given UI component if any, else
the client ID.
- getLevel() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeNode
Returns the level for which this node should render the items.
- getLevel() - Method in class org.omnifaces.model.tree.ListTreeModel
- getLevel() - Method in interface org.omnifaces.model.tree.TreeModel
Returns the level of the current tree node.
- getLocale() - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELContextWrapper
- getLocale() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the current locale.
- getMapping() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Determines and returns the faces servlet mapping used in the current request.
- getMessage() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateMultipleFields
Returns the validation message to be shown.
- getMessage(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.omnifaces.util.Messages.Resolver
Returns the resolved message based on the given message and parameters.
- getMethodInfo(ELContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.MethodExpressionValueExpressionAdapter
- getMimeType(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the mime type for the given file name.
- getMonths() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Dates
Returns a mapping of month names by month numbers for the current locale.
- getOptionalLabel(UIComponent) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Returns the value of the label
attribute associated with the given UI component if any, else
- getOutputStream() - Method in class org.omnifaces.servlet.HttpServletResponseOutputWrapper
- getParameters() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.CacheInstancePerScopeProvider
- getParent() - Method in class org.omnifaces.model.tree.ListTreeModel
- getParent() - Method in interface org.omnifaces.model.tree.TreeModel
Returns the parent tree node of the current tree node.
- getPartialViewContext() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the current partial view context (the ajax context).
- getPhaseId() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.input.componentidparam.ConditionalWriterListener
- getPhaseId() - Method in class org.omnifaces.event.FacesEventWrapper
- getPhaseId() - Method in class org.omnifaces.eventlistener.DefaultPhaseListener
- getRemoteUser() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the name of the logged-in user for container managed FORM based authentication, if any.
- getRenderKit(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.renderkit.Html5RenderKitFactory
- getRenderKitIds() - Method in class org.omnifaces.renderkit.Html5RenderKitFactory
- getRendersChildren() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.Cache
Returns true
- getRendersChildren() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.ConditionalComment
Returns true
- getRendersChildren() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.ResourceInclude
Returns true
- getRendersChildren() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.script.ScriptFamily
Returns true
- getRendersChildren() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeFamily
Returns true
- getRendersChildren() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidatorFamily
Returns true
- getRequest() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP servlet request.
- getRequestAttribute(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the request scope attribute value associated with the given name.
- getRequestBaseURL() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request base URL.
- getRequestContextPath() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request context path.
- getRequestCookie(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the value of the HTTP request cookie associated with the given name.
- getRequestDomainURL() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request domain URL.
- getRequestHeader(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request header value associated with the given name.
- getRequestHeaderMap() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request header map.
- getRequestHeaderValues(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request header values associated with the given name.
- getRequestHeaderValuesMap() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request header values map.
- getRequestMap() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the request scope map.
- getRequestParameter(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request parameter value associated with the given name.
- getRequestParameterMap() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request parameter map.
- getRequestParameterValues(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request parameter values associated with the given name.
- getRequestParameterValuesMap() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request parameter values map.
- getRequestPathInfo() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request path info.
- getRequestQueryString() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request query string.
- getRequestServletPath() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request servlet path.
- getRequestURI() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request URI.
- getRequestURL() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP request URL.
- getResourceAsStream(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns an input stream for an application resource mapped to the specified path, if it exists; otherwise,
return null
- getResourcePaths(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns a set of available application resource paths matching the specified path.
- getResponse() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP servlet response.
- getScope() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.Cache
- getServerInfo() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the server information of currently running application server implementation.
- getServletContext() - Method in class org.omnifaces.filter.HttpFilter
Returns the servlet context.
- getServletContext() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the servlet context.
- getSession() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP session and creates one if one doesn't exist.
- getSession(boolean) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP session and creates one if one doesn't exist and create
argument is
, otherwise don't create one and return null
- getSessionAttribute(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the session scope attribute value associated with the given name.
- getSessionCreationTime() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the time when the HTTP session was created, measured in epoch time.
- getSessionLastAccessedTime() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the time of the previous request associated with the current HTTP session, measured in epoch time.
- getSessionMap() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the session scope map.
- getSessionMaxInactiveInterval() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the HTTP session timeout in seconds.
- getShortMonths() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Dates
Returns a mapping of short month names by month numbers for the current locale.
- getShowMessageFor() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateMultipleFields
Returns the client identifier to show the validation message for.
- getStyleClass() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.script.Highlight
Returns the error style class which is to be applied on invalid inputs.
- getSubmittedValue() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.input.ViewParam
- getSupportedLocales() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns a list of all supported locales on this application, with the default locale as the first item, if any.
- getTime() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.Cache
- getType() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateOrder
Returns the ordering type to be used.
- getType(ELContext, Object, Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELResolverWrapper
- getValidTill() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.CacheEntry
Returns the date that's the last moment in time the value obtained via getValue() is valid.
- getValue() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.CacheEntry
Returns the value for which this object is keeping meta data
- getValue() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.Tree
Returns the tree model.
- getValue(ELContext, Object, Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELResolverWrapper
- getValue(EditableValueHolder) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Returns the value of the given editable value holder component without the need to know if the given component
has already been converted/validated or not.
- getValueExpression() - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.MethodExpressionValueExpressionAdapter
- getVar() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.Tree
Returns the name of the request attribute which exposes the wrapped data of the current node of the tree model.
- getVariableMapper() - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELContextWrapper
- getVarNode() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.Tree
Returns the name of the request attribute which exposes the current node of the tree model.
- getViewAttribute(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the view scope attribute value associated with the given name.
- getViewId() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the ID of the current view root, or null
if there is no view.
- getViewMap() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the view scope map.
- getViewParameters() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the view parameters of the current view, or an empty collection if there is no view.
- getViewRoot() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Returns the current view root.
- getWrapped() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.input.componentidparam.ConditionalResponseWriter
- getWrapped() - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELContextWrapper
- getWrapped() - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELResolverWrapper
- getWrapped() - Method in class org.omnifaces.event.FacesEventWrapper
- getWrapped() - Method in class org.omnifaces.exceptionhandler.FullAjaxExceptionHandler
- getWrapped() - Method in class org.omnifaces.exceptionhandler.FullAjaxExceptionHandlerFactory
Returns the wrapped factory.
- getWrapped() - Method in class org.omnifaces.facesviews.FacesViewsViewHandler
- getWrapped() - Method in class org.omnifaces.renderkit.Html5RenderKit
- getWrapped() - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceHandler
- getWrapped() - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.MapWrapper
- getWriter() - Method in class org.omnifaces.servlet.HttpServletResponseOutputWrapper
- GzipHttpServletResponse - Class in org.omnifaces.servlet
This HTTP servlet response wrapper will GZIP the response when the given threshold has exceeded and the response
content type matches one of the given mimetypes.
- GzipHttpServletResponse(HttpServletResponse, int, Set<String>) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.servlet.GzipHttpServletResponse
Construct a new GZIP HTTP servlet response based on the given wrapped response, threshold and mimetypes.
- GzipResponseFilter - Class in org.omnifaces.filter
This filter will apply GZIP compression on responses whenever applicable.
- GzipResponseFilter() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.filter.GzipResponseFilter