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Cache - Class in org.omnifaces.component.output
The <o:cache> component allows to cache a fragment of rendered markup.
Cache() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.component.output.Cache
Cache - Interface in org.omnifaces.util.cache
Interface that abstracts a simple get and put operation for a concrete cache implementation.
CACHE_INSTALL_BUFFER_FILTER - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.util.cache.CacheInitializer
CACHE_PROVIDER_INIT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.util.cache.CacheInitializer
CACHE_PROVIDER_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.util.cache.CacheFactory
CACHE_PROVIDER_SETTING_INIT_PARAM_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.util.cache.CacheInitializer
CacheControlFilter - Class in org.omnifaces.filter
This filter will control the cache-related headers of the response.
CacheControlFilter() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.filter.CacheControlFilter
CacheEntry - Class in org.omnifaces.util.cache
Meta data for a value that's stored in a cache.
CacheEntry(Serializable, Date) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.util.cache.CacheEntry
CacheFactory - Class in org.omnifaces.util.cache
Factory used to obtain Cache instance and to register the CacheProvider that is used to obtain that.
CacheInitializer - Class in org.omnifaces.util.cache
Optional initializer for the Cache used by the Omnifaces Cache component.
CacheInstancePerScopeProvider - Class in org.omnifaces.util.cache
Base class for Cache providers where for each scope a new instance of the cache is created if for that scope no instance is present yet.
CacheInstancePerScopeProvider() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.util.cache.CacheInstancePerScopeProvider
CacheProvider - Interface in org.omnifaces.util.cache
A provider for a specific Cache implementation.
cacheRemote() - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.JNDIObjectLocator.JNDIObjectLocatorBuilder
Specifies to cache remote enterprise beans.
CacheValue - Class in org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.el
CacheValue is a replacement for ui:param and c:set that only evaluates a value expression once and thereafter resolves it from the cache.
CacheValue(TagConfig) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.el.CacheValue
CachingValueExpression - Class in org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.el
A value expression implementation that caches its main value at the moment it's evaluated and uses this cache value in future evaluations.
CachingValueExpression(String, ValueExpression, Cache) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.el.CachingValueExpression
Callback - Class in org.omnifaces.util
Collection of callback interfaces.
Callback() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.util.Callback
Callback.Output - Interface in org.omnifaces.util
Use this if you need an output stream callback.
Callback.Returning<R> - Interface in org.omnifaces.util
Use this if you need a callback which returns a value.
Callback.ReturningWithArgument<R,A> - Interface in org.omnifaces.util
Use this if you need a callback which takes an argument and returns a value.
Callback.SerializableReturning<R> - Interface in org.omnifaces.util
Use this if you need a serializable callback which returns a value.
Callback.SerializableReturningWithArgument<R,A> - Interface in org.omnifaces.util
Use this if you need a serializable callback which takes an argument and returns a value.
Callback.SerializableVoid - Interface in org.omnifaces.util
Use this if you need a serializable void callback.
Callback.SerializableWithArgument<A> - Interface in org.omnifaces.util
Use this if you need a serializable callback which takes an argument.
Callback.Void - Interface in org.omnifaces.util
Use this if you need a void callback.
Callback.WithArgument<A> - Interface in org.omnifaces.util
Use this if you need a callback which takes an argument.
CallbackPhaseListener - Class in org.omnifaces.eventlistener
This phase listener picks up phase listener instances and phase event callbacks from the request scope subscribed via subscribeToRequestXxxPhase() methods of the Events utility class and calls them back for each matching phase.
CallbackPhaseListener() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.eventlistener.CallbackPhaseListener
capacity() - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
Retrieves the maximum weighted capacity of the map.
capitalize(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Strings
Capitalize the given string, i.e.
CDNResource - Class in org.omnifaces.resourcehandler
This Resource implementation can be used as a marker class to signal the custom ResourceHandler such as CombinedResourceHandler that the given resource actually returns a CDN URL, and offers a method to return the local URL which can be used as fallback in case the CDN request errors out.
CDNResource() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CDNResource
Do not use this constructor.
CDNResource(Resource, String) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CDNResource
Constructs a new CDN resource which remaps the given wrapped resource to the given CDN URL.
CDNResourceHandler - Class in org.omnifaces.resourcehandler
This ResourceHandler implementation allows the developer to provide external (CDN) URLs instead of the default local URLs for JSF resources.
CDNResourceHandler(ResourceHandler) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CDNResourceHandler
Creates a new instance of this CDN resource handler which wraps the given resource handler.
CharacterEncodingFilter - Class in org.omnifaces.filter
This filter will set the request body character encoding when not already set by the client.
CharacterEncodingFilter() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter
clear() - Method in interface org.omnifaces.util.cache.Cache
Clears the entire cache
clear() - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.cache.TimeToLiveCache
clear() - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
clear() - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.MapWrapper
clear(FacesMessage.Severity, String...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears faces messages of the given severity associated with the given client IDs.
clear(String...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears faces messages associated with the given client IDs.
clearCache() - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.JNDIObjectLocator
Clears object cache.
clearCachedFacesServletMapping(FacesContext) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Hacks
Clear the cached faces servlet mapping as interpreted by either Mojarra or MyFaces.
clearError(String...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears ERROR faces messages associated with the given client IDs.
clearFatal(String...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears FATAL faces messages associated with the given client IDs.
clearGlobal(FacesMessage.Severity) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears global faces messages of given severity.
clearGlobal() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears global faces messages of all severities.
clearGlobalError() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears global ERROR faces messages.
clearGlobalFatal() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears global FATAL faces messages.
clearGlobalInfo() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears global INFO faces messages.
clearGlobalWarn() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears global WARN faces messages.
clearInfo(String...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears INFO faces messages associated with the given client IDs.
clearWarn(String...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Clears WARN faces messages associated with the given client IDs.
CloneCopier - Class in org.omnifaces.util.copier
Copier that copies an object using the Cloneable facility.
CloneCopier() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.util.copier.CloneCopier
cloneWithWriter(Writer) - Method in class org.omnifaces.viewhandler.NoAutoGeneratedIdViewHandler.NoAutoGeneratedIdResponseWriter
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceInputStream
Closes the InputStream of each resource.
close() - Method in class org.omnifaces.servlet.GzipHttpServletResponse
close() - Method in class org.omnifaces.servlet.HttpServletResponseOutputWrapper
Close the response body.
close(Closeable) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Utils
Check if the given resource is not null and then close it, whereby any caught IOException is been returned instead of thrown, so that the caller can if necessary handle (log) or just ignore it without the need to put another try-catch.
closePartialResponse() - Method in class org.omnifaces.context.OmniPartialViewContext
Close the partial response.
coalesce(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Objects
Returns the first non-null object from the provided two objects.
coalesce(T...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Utils
Returns the first non-null object of the argument list, or null if there is no such element.
collect(ProcessBean<T>, BeanManager) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.eager.EagerExtension
collectAllValuesFromSelectItems(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.selectitems.SelectItemsUtils
Collects all values associated with all SelectItem instances associated with the given component.
collectComponents() - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateMultipleFields
Collect the input components.
collectFromParent(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.selectitems.SelectItemsCollector
This method gets all select items that are expressed via UISelectItem or UISelectItems children of the given parent component.
collectFromUISelectItemsIterator(FacesContext, UISelectItems, Iterable<?>) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.selectitems.SelectItemsCollector
This method runs the algorithm expressed by a UISelectItems component that uses the var iterator construct to generate a list of SelectItems.
CollectingValidator(Set<String>, Map<Reflection.PropertyPath, Object>, Map<Object, Reflection.PropertyPath>) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.taghandler.ValidateBean.CollectingValidator
collectParams(ProcessInjectionTarget<T>) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.ParamExtension
collectValues(List<UIInput>) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateMultipleFields
Collect the values of the given input components.
CombinedResource - Class in org.omnifaces.resourcehandler
This Resource implementation holds all the necessary information about combined resources in order to properly serve combined resources on a single HTTP request.
CombinedResource(String, Integer) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResource
Constructs a new combined resource based on the given resource name.
CombinedResourceHandler - Class in org.omnifaces.resourcehandler
This ResourceHandler implementation will remove all separate script and stylesheet resources which have the target attribute set to "head" from the UIViewRoot and create a combined one for all scripts and another combined one for all stylesheets.
CombinedResourceHandler(ResourceHandler) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceHandler
Creates a new instance of this combined resource handler which wraps the given resource handler.
CombinedResourceInfo - Class in org.omnifaces.resourcehandler
This class is a wrapper which collects all combined resources and stores it in the cache.
CombinedResourceInfo.Builder - Class in org.omnifaces.resourcehandler
Use this builder to create an instance of combined resource info and put it in the cache if absent.
CombinedResourceInputStream - Class in org.omnifaces.resourcehandler
This InputStream implementation takes care that all in the constructor given resources are been read in sequence.
CombinedResourceInputStream(Set<Resource>) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceInputStream
Creates an instance of CombinedResourceInputStream based on the given resources.
CommandScript - Class in org.omnifaces.component.script
Since 3.0 as this has been added to JSF 2.3 as h:commandScript.
CommandScript() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.component.script.CommandScript
Constructs the CommandScript component.
compareTo(T) - Method in class org.omnifaces.model.tree.SortedTreeModel
compareTo(Reflection.PropertyPath) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.Reflection.PropertyPath
COMPONENT_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.OutputFamily
The standard component family.
COMPONENT_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.script.ScriptFamily
The standard component family.
COMPONENT_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeFamily
The standard component family.
COMPONENT_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.util.UtilFamily
The standard component family.
COMPONENT_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidatorFamily
The standard component family.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.cdi.push.Socket
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.input.ComponentIdParam
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.input.Form
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.input.HashParam
The component type, which is "org.omnifaces.component.input.HashParam".
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.input.InputFile
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.input.InputHidden
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.input.ScriptParam
The component type, which is "org.omnifaces.component.input.ScriptParam".
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.input.ViewAction
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.input.ViewParam
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.messages.OmniMessages
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.model.SelectItemGroups
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.Cache
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.ConditionalComment
The component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.GraphicImage
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.OutputFormat
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.OutputLabel
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.Param
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.PathParam
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.ResourceInclude
The component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.SitemapUrl
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.output.Url
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.script.CommandScript
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.script.DeferredScript
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.script.Highlight
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.script.OnloadScript
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.Tree
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeInsertChildren
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeNode
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeNodeItem
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.util.MoveComponent
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.util.ResolveComponent
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateAll
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateAllOrNone
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateEqual
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateMultiple
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateOne
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateOneOrMore
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateOneOrNone
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateOrder
The standard component type.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidateUnique
The standard component type.
ComponentClientIdResolver(String) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.component.util.ResolveComponent.ComponentClientIdResolver
ComponentExtraHandler - Class in org.omnifaces.taghandler
Handler that can be used by components which wish to receive various extra services.
ComponentExtraHandler(ComponentConfig) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.taghandler.ComponentExtraHandler
ComponentIdParam - Class in org.omnifaces.component.input
The <o:componentIdParam> component allows to render just one or more components on a view via a GET parameter.
ComponentIdParam() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.component.input.ComponentIdParam
Components - Class in org.omnifaces.el.functions
Collection of EL functions for working with components.
Components - Class in org.omnifaces.util
Collection of utility methods for the JSF API with respect to working with UIComponent.
Components.ForEach - Class in org.omnifaces.util
Builder class used to collect a number of query parameters for a visit (for each) of components in the JSF component tree.
concat(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Strings
Concatenate the string representation of the given objects.
concat(String...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.ResourcePaths
Concat given resource paths with the path separator.
concurrencyLevel(int) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder
Specifies the estimated number of concurrently updating threads.
ConcurrentLinkedHashMap<K,V> - Class in org.omnifaces.util.concurrentlinkedhashmap
A hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals, adjustable expected concurrency for updates, and a maximum capacity to bound the map by.
ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<K,V> - Class in org.omnifaces.util.concurrentlinkedhashmap
A builder that creates ConcurrentLinkedHashMap instances.
ConditionalComment - Class in org.omnifaces.component.output
The <o:conditionalComment> component renders a conditional comment.
ConditionalComment() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.component.output.ConditionalComment
ConditionalResponseWriter - Class in org.omnifaces.component.input.componentidparam
ResponseWriter intended to work in conjunction with the ComponentIdParam component.
ConditionalResponseWriter(ResponseWriter, FacesContext, List<String>, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.component.input.componentidparam.ConditionalResponseWriter
ConditionalWriterListener - Class in org.omnifaces.component.input.componentidparam
PhaseListener intended to work in conjunction with the ComponentIdParam component.
ConditionalWriterListener(List<String>, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.component.input.componentidparam.ConditionalWriterListener
contains(Object[], Object) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Arrays
Returns true if the string representation of an item of the given array equals to the string representation of the given item.
containsByClassName(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Utils
Checks if the given collection contains an object with the given class name.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.MapWrapper
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.MapWrapper
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.eventlistener.DefaultServletContextListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.ApplicationListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.eventlistener.DefaultServletContextListener
ContextParam - Annotation Type in org.omnifaces.cdi
The CDI annotation @ContextParam allows you to inject a web.xml context parameter from the current application in a CDI managed bean.
ContextParamProducer - Class in org.omnifaces.cdi.contextparam
Producer for injecting a web.xml context parameter as defined by the ContextParam annotation.
ContextParamProducer() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.cdi.contextparam.ContextParamProducer
convert(String, Object) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Converters
Convert given object to string using Converter.getAsString(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) of the converter identified by the given converter ID, invoked with FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), UIComponent.getCurrentComponent(FacesContext) and given object as arguments.
converter() - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.DynamicParamValueProducer.DefaultParamAnnotationLiteral
Converter - Class in org.omnifaces.taghandler
The <o:converter> is a taghandler that extends the standard <f:converter> tag family with support for deferred value expressions in all attributes.
Converter(ConverterConfig) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.taghandler.Converter
The constructor.
Converter.DeferredConverter - Class in org.omnifaces.taghandler
So that we can have a serializable converter.
converterAttributes() - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.DynamicParamValueProducer.DefaultParamAnnotationLiteral
converterClass() - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.DynamicParamValueProducer.DefaultParamAnnotationLiteral
ConverterManager - Class in org.omnifaces.cdi.converter
The @FacesConverter is by default not eligible for dependency injection by @Inject nor @EJB.
ConverterManager() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.cdi.converter.ConverterManager
converterMessage() - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.DynamicParamValueProducer.DefaultParamAnnotationLiteral
Converters - Class in org.omnifaces.el.functions
Collection of EL functions for data conversion: of:iterableToList() (with alternative of:iterableToModel), of:setToList(), of:mapToList(), of:joinArray(), of:joinCollection(), of:joinMap(), of:splitArray(), of:splitList(), and of:toJson().
Cookie - Annotation Type in org.omnifaces.cdi
The CDI annotation @Cookie allows you to inject a HTTP request cookie value from the current JSF context in a CDI managed bean.
Copier - Interface in org.omnifaces.util.copier
Interface that is to be implement by classes that know how to copy an object.
copy(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.copier.CloneCopier
copy(Object) - Method in interface org.omnifaces.util.copier.Copier
Return an object that's logically a copy of the given object.
copy(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.copier.CopyCtorCopier
copy(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.copier.MultiStrategyCopier
copy(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.copier.NewInstanceCopier
copy(Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.copier.SerializationCopier
CopyCtorCopier - Class in org.omnifaces.util.copier
Copier that copies an object using its copy constructor.
CopyCtorCopier() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.util.copier.CopyCtorCopier
create(CreationalContext<Object>) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.DynamicParamValueProducer
create() - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceInfo.Builder
Creates the CombinedResourceInfo instance in cache if absent and return its ID.
create(FacesContext, ValueExpression, String, Object) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.GraphicResource
Create a new graphic resource based on the given value expression.
create(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Create a faces message with the default INFO severity and the given message body which is formatted with the given parameters as summary message.
create(FacesMessage.Severity, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Create a faces message of the given severity with the given message body which is formatted with the given parameters.
createActionListenerMethodExpression(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Create an action listener method expression based on the given EL expression.
createAjaxBehavior(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Create an ajax behavior which should invoke an ajax listener method expression based on the given EL expression.
createArray(int) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Arrays
Creates and returns a dummy object array of the given size.
createBean(Contextual<T>, CreationalContext<T>) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.BeanStorage
Create and return the bean associated with given context and creational context.
createBean(Contextual<T>, CreationalContext<T>) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.viewscope.ViewScopeManager
Create and returns the CDI view scoped managed bean from the current JSF view scope.
createCache(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.cache.CacheInstancePerScopeProvider
createCache(Integer, Integer) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.cache.DefaultCacheProvider
createChildren() - Method in class org.omnifaces.model.tree.AbstractTreeModel
Returns a concrete (and usually empty) Collection instance which should hold the tree's children.
createChildren() - Method in class org.omnifaces.model.tree.ListTreeModel
Returns a new ArrayList.
createChildren() - Method in class org.omnifaces.model.tree.SortedTreeModel
Returns a new TreeSet.
createConverter(String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.application.OmniApplication
If the there's a CDI managed Converter instance available, then return it, else delegate to ApplicationWrapper.getWrapped() which may return the JSF managed Converter instance.
createConverter(Class<?>) - Method in class org.omnifaces.application.OmniApplication
If the there's a CDI managed Converter instance available, then return it, else delegate to ApplicationWrapper.getWrapped() which may return the JSF managed Converter instance.
createConverter(Application, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.converter.ConverterManager
Returns the converter instance associated with the given converter ID, or null if there is none.
createConverter(Application, Class<?>) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.converter.ConverterManager
Returns the converter instance associated with the given converter for-class, or null if there is none.
createConverter(Object) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Creates and returns a Faces converter associated with given object identifier.
createConverter(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Creates and returns a Faces converter associated with given string identifier.
createConverter(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Creates and returns a Faces converter associated with given class identifier.
createConverter(FacesContext, Object) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.FacesLocal
createConverter(FacesContext, String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.FacesLocal
createConverter(FacesContext, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.FacesLocal
createDocument(List<URL>) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Xml
Creates a single XML Document based on given URLs representing XML documents.
createDocumentBuilder() - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Xml
Creates an instance of DocumentBuilder which doesn't validate, nor is namespace aware nor expands entity references and disables external entity processing (to keep it as lenient and secure as possible).
createError(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Create an ERROR faces message with the given message body which is formatted with the given parameters.
createFatal(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Create a FATAL faces message with the given message body which is formatted with the given parameters.
createFatalMessage(Throwable) - Method in class org.omnifaces.exceptionhandler.FacesMessageExceptionHandler
Create fatal message based on given exception which will in turn be passed to FacesContext.addMessage(String, javax.faces.application.FacesMessage).
createInfo(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Create an INFO faces message with the given message body which is formatted with the given parameters.
createIntegerArray(int, int) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Arrays
Creates and returns an integer array which starts at the given integer and ends at the given integer, inclusive.
createMethodExpression(String, Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Create a method expression based on the given EL expression, the given return type and the given parameter types, if any.
createOutputStream(boolean) - Method in class
Returns the custom implementation of the OutputStream.
createOutputStream() - Method in class org.omnifaces.servlet.BufferedHttpServletResponse
createOutputStream() - Method in class org.omnifaces.servlet.GzipHttpServletResponse
createOutputStream() - Method in class org.omnifaces.servlet.HttpServletResponseOutputWrapper
Returns the custom implementation of the servlet response OutputStream.
createResource(String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.DefaultResourceHandler
createResource(String, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.DefaultResourceHandler
If library name is not null and it equals DefaultResourceHandler.getLibraryName(), then delegate to DefaultResourceHandler.createResourceFromLibrary(String, String) with null as content type, else delegate to DefaultResourceHandler.decorateResource(Resource, String, String) with result of DefaultResourceHandler.createResource(String, String) from the wrapped resource handler.
createResource(String, String, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.DefaultResourceHandler
createResource(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Creates and returns a Faces resource associated with given resource name.
createResource(String, String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Creates and returns a Faces resource associated with given library name and resource name.
createResource(ResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Creates and returns a Faces resource associated with given resource identifier.
createResource(FacesContext, String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.FacesLocal
createResource(FacesContext, String, String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.FacesLocal
createResource(FacesContext, ResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.FacesLocal
createResourceFromLibrary(String, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceHandler
Returns a new CombinedResource.
createResourceFromLibrary(String, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.DefaultResourceHandler
Returns the library-specific resource in case a resource from specifically the library name as identified by DefaultResourceHandler.getLibraryName() is requested.
createResourceFromLibrary(String, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.GraphicResourceHandler
Returns a new GraphicResource.
createValidator(String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.application.OmniApplication
If the there's a CDI managed Validator instance available, then return it, else delegate to ApplicationWrapper.getWrapped() which may return the JSF managed Validator instance.
createValidator(Application, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.validator.ValidatorManager
Returns the validator instance associated with the given validator ID, or null if there is none.
createValidator(Object) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Creates and returns a Faces validator associated with given object identifier.
createValidator(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Creates and returns a Faces validator associated with given string identifier.
createValidator(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Faces
Creates and returns a Faces validator associated with given class identifier.
createValidator(FacesContext, Object) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.FacesLocal
createValidator(FacesContext, String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.FacesLocal
createValidator(FacesContext, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.FacesLocal
createValueExpression(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Create an editable value expression based on the given EL expression and the given type.
createViewResource(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.facesviews.FacesViewsResourceHandler
createViewResource(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.ViewResourceHandler
This override ensures that Faces.getRequestServletPath() is returned as concrete resource rather than the provided resourceName when the ViewResourceHandler.isViewResourceRequest(FacesContext) returns true.
createVoidMethodExpression(String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Components
Create a void method expression based on the given EL expression and the given parameter types, if any.
createWarn(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Messages
Create a WARN faces message with the given message body which is formatted with the given parameters.
csvToList(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Utils
Converts comma separated values in a string into a list with those values.
csvToList(String, String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Utils
Converts comma separated values in a string into a list with those values.
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