Module org.omnifaces
Package org.omnifaces.filter
Class Summary Class Description CacheControlFilter This filter will control the cache-related headers of the response.CharacterEncodingFilter This filter will set the request body character encoding when not already set by the client.FacesExceptionFilter TheFacesExceptionFilter
will solve 2 problems with exceptions thrown in Faces methods.GzipResponseFilter TheGzipResponseFilter
will apply GZIP compression on responses whenever applicable.HttpFilter TheHttpFilter
is abstract filter specifically for HTTP requests.MutableRequestFilter TheMutableRequestFilter
will wrap the incomingHttpServletRequest
in aMutableRequestFilter.MutableRequest
so that the developer can mutate the headers and parameters in such way that the outcome of among othersHttpServletRequest.getHeader(String)
are influenced.MutableRequestFilter.MutableRequest OnDemandResponseBufferFilter Filter that wraps the response with one capable of buffering on command.