All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractTreeModel<T> |
Ajax |
ApplicationInitializer |
OmniFaces application initializer.
ApplicationListener |
OmniFaces application listener.
ApplicationProcessor |
OmniFaces application processor.
Arrays |
Collection of EL functions for array manipulation: of:createArray() , of:createIntegerArray() ,
of:contains() and of:reverseArray() .
Attribute |
Attribute for a Converter or Validator that is applied to a value retrieved from an HTTP request and
injected via the @ Param qualifier.
Beans |
Collection of utility methods for the CDI API that are mainly shortcuts for obtaining stuff from the
BeanManager .
BeansLocal |
Collection of utility methods for the CDI API that are mainly shortcuts for obtaining stuff from the
BeanManager .
BeanStorage |
CDI bean storage.
BeanValidationEventListener |
BufferedHttpServletResponse |
This HTTP servlet response implementation buffers the entire response body.
Cache |
The <o:cache> component allows to cache a fragment of rendered markup.
Cache |
Interface that abstracts a simple get and put operation for a concrete cache implementation.
CacheControlFilter |
This filter will control the cache-related headers of the response.
CacheEntry |
Meta data for a value that's stored in a cache.
CacheFactory |
Factory used to obtain Cache instance and to register the CacheProvider that is used to obtain that.
CacheInitializer |
Optional initializer for the Cache used by the Omnifaces Cache component.
CacheInstancePerScopeProvider |
Base class for Cache providers where for each scope a new instance of the cache is created if for that scope no instance
is present yet.
CacheProvider |
A provider for a specific Cache implementation.
CacheValue |
CacheValue is a replacement for ui:param and c:set that only evaluates a value expression once
and thereafter resolves it from the cache.
CachingValueExpression |
A value expression implementation that caches its main value at the moment it's evaluated and uses
this cache value in future evaluations.
Callback |
Collection of callback interfaces.
Callback.Output |
Use this if you need an output stream callback.
Callback.Returning<R> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Callback.ReturningWithArgument<R,A> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Callback.SerializableReturning<R> |
Use this if you need a serializable callback which returns a value.
Callback.SerializableReturningWithArgument<R,A> |
Use this if you need a serializable callback which takes an argument and returns a value.
Callback.SerializableVoid |
Use this if you need a serializable void callback.
Callback.SerializableWithArgument<A> |
Use this if you need a serializable callback which takes an argument.
Callback.Void |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Callback.WithArgument<A> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
CallbackPhaseListener |
This phase listener picks up phase listener instances and phase event callbacks from the request scope subscribed via
subscribeToRequestXxxPhase() methods of the Events utility class and calls
them back for each matching phase.
CDNResource |
This Resource implementation can be used as a marker class to signal the custom ResourceHandler
such as CombinedResourceHandler that the given resource actually returns a CDN URL, and offers a method to
return the local URL which can be used as fallback in case the CDN request errors out.
CDNResourceHandler |
This ResourceHandler implementation allows the developer to provide external (CDN) URLs instead of the
default local URLs for Faces resources.
CharacterEncodingFilter |
This filter will set the request body character encoding when not already set by the client.
CloneCopier |
Copier that copies an object using the Cloneable facility.
CombinedResource |
This Resource implementation holds all the necessary information about combined resources in order to
properly serve combined resources on a single HTTP request.
CombinedResourceHandler |
This ResourceHandler implementation will remove all separate script and stylesheet resources which have the
target attribute set to "head" from the UIViewRoot and create a combined one
for all scripts and another combined one for all stylesheets.
CombinedResourceInfo |
This class is a wrapper which collects all combined resources and stores it in the cache.
CombinedResourceInfo.Builder |
Use this builder to create an instance of combined resource info and put it in the cache if absent.
CombinedResourceInputStream |
This InputStream implementation takes care that all in the constructor given resources are been read in
ComponentExtraHandler |
Handler that can be used by components which wish to receive various extra services.
ComponentIdParam |
The <o:componentIdParam> component allows to render just one or more components on a view via a GET
Components |
Collection of EL functions for working with components.
Components |
Collection of utility methods for the Faces API with respect to working with UIComponent .
Components.ForEach |
Builder class used to collect a number of query parameters for a visit (for each) of components in the Faces
component tree.
ConcurrentLinkedHashMap<K,V> |
A hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals, adjustable expected
concurrency for updates, and a maximum capacity to bound the map by.
ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<K,V> |
ConditionalComment |
The <o:conditionalComment> component renders a conditional comment.
ConditionalResponseWriter |
ResponseWriter intended to work in conjunction with the ComponentIdParam component.
ConditionalWriterListener |
PhaseListener intended to work in conjunction with the ComponentIdParam component.
ContextParam |
The CDI annotation @ ContextParam allows you to inject a web.xml context
parameter from the current application in a CDI managed bean.
ContextParamProducer |
Producer for injecting a web.xml context parameter as defined by the ContextParam annotation.
Converter |
The <o:converter> is a taghandler that extends the standard <f:converter> tag
family with support for deferred value expressions in all attributes.
Converter.DeferredConverter |
So that we can have a serializable converter.
ConverterManager |
The @FacesConverter is by default not eligible for dependency injection by @Inject nor @EJB .
Converters |
Collection of EL functions for data conversion: of:iterableToList() (with alternative of:iterableToModel ),
of:setToList() , of:mapToList() , of:joinArray() , of:joinCollection() ,
of:joinMap() , of:splitArray() , of:splitList() , and of:toJson() .
Cookie |
The CDI annotation @ Cookie allows you to inject a HTTP request cookie value from the current
Faces context in a CDI managed bean.
Copier |
Interface that is to be implement by classes that know how to copy an object.
CopyCtorCopier |
Copier that copies an object using its copy constructor.
DateProducer |
Producer for #{startup} and #{now} .
DateProducer.TemporalDate |
Dates |
Collection of EL functions for date and time: of:formatDate() , of:formatDateWithTimezone() ,
of:addXxx() like of:addDays() , of:xxxBetween() like of:daysBetween() ,
of:getMonths() , of:getShortMonths() , of:getDaysOfWeek() , of:getShortDaysOfWeek() ,
of:getMonth() , of:getShortMonth() , of:getDayOfWeek() and of:getShortDayOfWeek() .
DefaultCache |
An in-memory cache implementation that's used if the user did not configure an explicit caching provider.
DefaultCacheProvider |
A default cache provider that will be used by the OmniFaces Cache component if no explicit provider has been
DefaultHttpSessionListener |
Default implementation for the HttpSessionListener interface.
DefaultPhaseListener |
Default implementation for the PhaseListener interface.
DefaultResourceHandler |
DefaultServletContextListener |
Default implementation for the SystemEventListener interface.
DefaultServletOutputStream |
A default implementation of abstract servlet output stream.
DefaultServletRequestListener |
Default implementation for the ServletRequestListener interface.
DefaultSystemEventListener |
Default implementation for the SystemEventListener interface.
DefaultViewEventListener |
Default implementation for the SystemEventListener interface that's used for the subset of system events
that are registered as "view event" on the component tree's view root.
DeferredScript |
The <o:deferredScript> is a component based on the standard <h:outputScript>
which defers the loading of the given script resource to the window load event.
DeferredScriptRenderer |
DelegatingVariableMapper |
DynamicParamValueProducer |
Dynamic CDI producer used to work around CDI's restriction to create true generic producers.
DynamicParamValueProducer.DefaultParamAnnotationLiteral |
DynamicResource |
This Resource implementation represents a cacheable dynamic resource which doesn't necessarily exist as a
regular classpath resource.
Eager |
The CDI annotation @ Eager specifies that a scoped bean is to be eagerly instantiated.
EagerBeansPhaseListener |
A PhaseListener that instantiates eager request/view beans by Faces view ID.
EagerBeansRepository |
Bean repository via which various types of eager beans can be instantiated on demand.
EagerBeansWebListener |
A web listener that instantiates eager session beans and request/view beans by request URI.
EagerExtension |
CDI extension that collects beans annotated with @ Eager .
EditableValueHolderStateHelper |
ELContextWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of ELContext that can
be sub-classed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior
to an existing ELContext instance.
ELResolverWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of ELResolver that can
be sub-classed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior
to an existing ELResolver instance.
EnableRestorableView |
The <o:enableRestorableView> taghandler instructs the view handler to recreate the entire view
whenever the view has been expired, i.e.
Events |
Collection of utility methods for the Faces API with respect to working with system and phase events.
EvictionListener<K,V> |
A listener registered for notification when an entry is evicted.
Exceptions |
Collection of general utility methods with respect to working with exceptions.
ExceptionSuppressor |
ExceptionSuppressorFactory |
This exception handler factory needs to be registered as follows in faces-config.xml to get the
ExceptionSuppressor to run:
ExpressionInspector |
This class contains methods that inspect expressions to reveal information about them.
ExtendedSelectItem |
This class extends the default SelectItem with several convenience methods.
ExtensionAction |
The action that is done when a Faces Views request with an extension is done.
FaceletContextConsumer |
Interface to be implemented by components that wish to receive the FaceletContext for the
Facelet in which they are declared.
Facelets |
Collection of utility methods for Facelets code.
Faces |
Collection of utility methods for the Faces API that are mainly shortcuts for obtaining stuff from the thread local
FacesContext .
FacesConfigXml |
This configuration interface parses the /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml and all
/META-INF/faces-config.xml files found in the classpath and offers methods to obtain information from
them which is not available by the standard Faces API.
FacesConfigXmlProducer |
FacesELResolver |
This EL resolver basically creates an implicit object #{faces} in EL scope.
FacesEventWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of FacesEvent that can be sub-classed by developers wishing to provide
specialized behavior to an existing FacesEvent instance without the need to implement/override all the
methods which do not necessarily need to be implemented.
FacesExceptionFilter |
FacesLocal |
Collection of utility methods for the Faces API that are mainly shortcuts for obtaining stuff from the provided
FacesContext argument.
FacesMessageExceptionHandler |
FacesMessageExceptionHandlerFactory |
FacesRequestLogger |
FacesViews |
FacesViews is a mechanism to use SEO-friendly extensionless URLs in a Faces application without the need to enlist
individual Facelet source files in some configuration file.
FacesViewsForwardingFilter |
This filter makes sure extensionless requests arrive at the FacesServlet using an extension on which that Servlet is
mapped, and that non-extensionless requests are handled according to a set preference.
FacesViewsResourceHandler |
Facelets resource handler that resolves mapped resources (views) to the folders from which
those views were scanned (like the the special auto-scanned faces-views folder).
FacesViewsViewHandler |
View handler that renders an action URL extensionless if a resource is a mapped one, and faces views has been set to
always render extensionless or if the current request is extensionless, otherwise as-is.
FileServlet |
The well known " BalusC FileServlet",
as an abstract template, slightly refactored, rewritten and modernized with a.o.
Form |
The <o:form> is a component that extends the standard <h:form> and submits to
exactly the request URI with query string as seen in browser's address.
FullAjaxExceptionHandler |
The FullAjaxExceptionHandler will transparently handle exceptions during ajax requests exactly the same way
as exceptions during synchronous (non-ajax) requests.
FullAjaxExceptionHandler.LogReason |
FullAjaxExceptionHandlerFactory |
This exception handler factory needs to be registered as follows in faces-config.xml to get the
FullAjaxExceptionHandler to run:
GenericEnumConverter |
The omnifaces.GenericEnumConverter is intended for use in UISelectMany components whose value is
been bound to a List<E> property where E is an enum.
GraphicImage |
The <o:graphicImage> is a component that extends the standard <h:graphicImage>
with support for referencing an InputStream or byte[] property in the value
attribute, optionally as a data URI.
GraphicImageBean |
Stereo type that designates a bean with one or more methods returning byte[] or InputStream
as a named application scoped bean specifically for serving graphic images via <o:graphicImage>
component or #{of:graphicImageURL()} EL functions.
GraphicResource |
GraphicResourceHandler |
GzipHttpServletResponse |
This HTTP servlet response wrapper will GZIP the response when the given threshold has exceeded and the response
content type matches one of the given mimetypes.
GzipResponseFilter |
Hacks |
Collection of Faces implementation and/or Faces component library and/or server specific hacks.
HashChangeEvent |
This event is fired by <o:hashParam> when hash parameters have been changed in the client side.
HashParam |
The <o:hashParam> is a component that extends the standard <f:viewParam>
with support for setting hash query parameter values in bean and automatically reflecting updated model values in
hash query string.
Highlight |
The <o:highlight> is a helper component which highlights all invalid UIInput components
and the associated labels by adding an error style class to them.
HttpFilter |
The HttpFilter is abstract filter specifically for HTTP requests.
HttpServletResponseOutputWrapper |
IgnoreValidationFailed |
The <o:ignoreValidationFailed> taghandler allows the developer to ignore validation failures when
executing an UICommand action.
ImplicitNumberConverter |
This converter won't output the percent or currency symbols, that's up to the UI.
ImportConstants |
The <o:importConstants> taghandler allows the developer to have a mapping of all constant field
values of the given fully qualified name of a type in the request scope.
ImportFunctions |
The <o:importFunctions> taghandler allows the developer to have access to all functions of the
given fully qualified name of a type in the Facelet scope using the usual EL functions syntax without the need to
register them in .taglib.xml file.
InjectionPointGenerator |
InjectionTargetWrapper<T> |
Provides a simple implementation of InjectionTarget that can be sub-classed by developers wishing to
provide specialized behavior to an existing InjectionTarget instance.
InlineResourceRenderer |
Base renderer which is to be shared between inline CSS and JS renderers.
InlineScriptRenderer |
This renderer enables rendering a JS resource inline.
InlineStylesheetRenderer |
This renderer enables rendering a CSS resource inline.
InputFile |
The <o:inputFile> is a component that extends the standard <h:inputFile> and
adds support for multiple , directory , accept and maxsize
attributes, along with built-in server side validation on accept and maxsize attributes.
InputHidden |
The <o:inputHidden> is a component that extends the standard <h:inputHidden>
and changes the behavior to immediately convert, validate and update during apply request values phase, regardless of
any conversion/validation errors on other UIInput components within the same form.
InvokeActionEventListener |
IterableDataModel<E> |
IterableDataModel is an implementation of DataModel that wraps an Iterable .
Utility class for simplifying some web related tasks that use JNDI under the hood, such as getting the
<env-entry> from web.xml .
JNDIObjectLocator |
JNDIObjectLocator is used to centralize JNDI lookups.
JNDIObjectLocator.JNDIObjectLocatorBuilder |
JsfLabelMessageInterpolator |
Unlike native Faces validation error messages, in a bean validation message by default the label of the component where
a validation constraint violation originated from can not be displayed in the middle of a message.
Json |
A simple JSON encoder.
Lazy<T> |
Implements lazy-initialized object primarily for final and transient fields.
Lazy.SerializableSupplier<T> |
ListConverter |
The omnifaces.ListConverter is intented for use in specialized selection components which doesn't
use SelectItem s as the source for their selectable items, but work directly via a List of entities,
and therefore the SelectItemsConverter isn't usable on them.
ListIndexConverter |
The omnifaces.ListIndexConverter is a variant of the ListConverter which automatically converts
based on the position (index) of the selected item in the list instead of the Object.toString() of the selected
ListTreeModel<T> |
MapWrapper<K,V> |
Implementation of Map that wraps another map.
MassAttribute |
The <o:massAttribute> sets an attribute of the given name and value on all nested components,
if they don't already have an attribute set.
Messages |
Collection of utility methods for the Faces API with respect to working with FacesMessage .
Messages.Message |
Faces message builder.
Messages.Resolver |
The message resolver allows the developers to change the way how messages are resolved.
MessagesKeywordResolver |
The @messages search keyword resolver will automatically resolve all UIMessage and
UIMessages components within the current UIForm .
MessagesRenderer |
MethodExpressionValueExpressionAdapter |
This MethodExpression wraps a ValueExpression.
MethodParam |
The <o:methodParam> is a tag handler that can be used to pass a method expression as attribute
into a Facelets tag.
MethodReference |
This encapsulates information about an EL method expression.
MoveComponent |
The <o:moveComponent> component is a utility component via which components, facets and behaviors can be moved at runtime
to a target component in various ways.
MoveComponent.Destination |
MultiFieldValidator |
Generic interface for multi field validator.
MultiStrategyCopier |
Copier that copies an object trying a variety of strategies until one succeeds.
MutableRequestFilter |
MutableRequestFilter.MutableRequest |
NewInstanceCopier |
Copier that doesn't actually copy an object fully, but just returns a new instance of the same type.
NoAutoGeneratedIdViewHandler |
This ViewHandler once installed will during development stage throw an IllegalStateException whenever
an automatically generated Faces component ID ( j_id... ) is encountered in the rendered output.
NoAutoGeneratedIdViewHandler.NoAutoGeneratedIdResponseWriter |
Numbers |
Collection of EL functions for number formatting: of:formatBytes() , of:formatCurrency() ,
of:formatNumber() , of:formatNumberDefault() , of:formatPercent() ,
of:formatThousands() and of:formatThousandsUnit() .
Objects |
Collection of EL functions for objects.
OmniApplication |
This OmniFaces application extends the standard Faces application as follows:
Support for CDI in Converter s and Validator s, so that e.g.
OmniApplicationFactory |
This application factory takes care that the OmniApplication is properly initialized.
OmniExternalContext |
OmniFaces external context.
OmniExternalContextFactory |
OmniFaces |
Collection of constants and utility methods for OmniFaces internals.
OmniMessages |
The <o:messages> is a component that extends the standard <h:messages> with
the following new features:
OmniPartialViewContext |
This OmniFaces partial view context extends and improves the standard partial view context as follows:
Support for executing callback scripts by PartialResponseWriter.startEval() .
Support for adding arguments to an ajax response.
Any XML tags which Mojarra and MyFaces has left open after an exception in rendering of an already committed
ajax response, will now be properly closed.
OmniPartialViewContextFactory |
OmniVersionResourceHandler |
Appends OmniFaces version to resources with library name omnifaces .
OmniViewHandler |
OmniFaces view handler.
OnDemandResponseBufferFilter |
Filter that wraps the response with one capable of buffering on command.
OnloadParam |
OnloadScript |
The <o:onloadScript is a component that extends the standard <h:outputScript>
which will be executed in the end of the HTML body (thus when all HTML elements are initialized in the HTML DOM tree)
and will re-execute its script body on every ajax request.
OutputFamily |
Base class which is to be shared between all components of the Output family.
OutputFormat |
The <o:outputFormat> is a component that extends the standard <h:outputFormat>
with support for capturing the output and exposing it into the request scope by the variable name as specified by the
var attribute.
OutputLabel |
The <o:outputLabel> is a component that extends the standard <h:outputLabel>
with support for automatically setting its value as the label of the component identified by its for
attribute (if any).
Param |
The CDI annotation @ Param allows you to inject, convert and validate a HTTP request or path
parameter in a CDI managed bean.
Param<T> |
The <o:param> is a component that extends the standard UIParameter to implement ValueHolder
and thus support a Converter to convert the supplied value to string, if necessary.
ParamExtension |
CDI extension that works around the fact that CDI insists on doing absolutely
guaranteed type safe injections.
ParamHolder<T> |
ParamProducer |
Producer for a request or path parameter as defined by the @ Param annotation.
ParamValue<V> |
The type that's injected via the @ Param qualifier.
PathAction |
The action that is done when a request for a public path from which faces views where scanned is done.
PathParam<T> |
The <o:pathParam> is a component that extends the OmniFaces Param to support
MultiViews feature of FacesViews .
Platform |
This class provides access to (Java EE 6) platform services from the view point of Faces.
PostInvokeActionEvent |
PostScriptParam |
The annotation @ PostScriptParam allows you to invoke a managed bean method when all
<o:scriptParam> values have been set in the associated managed bean.
PreInvokeActionEvent |
Push |
The CDI annotation @ Push allows you to inject a PushContext associated with a given
channel in any container managed artifact in WAR (not in EAR/EJB!).
PushContext |
CDI interface to send a message object to the push socket channel as identified by @ Push .
PWAResourceHandler |
ReadOnlyValueExpression |
Implementation of a read only value expression that can be used when the value is not yet available at construction time, or when the
value would be too expensive to create and it's not yet clear if the expression will actually be evaluated.
Reflection |
Collection of utility methods for working with reflection.
Reflection.PropertyPath |
This class represents a property path.
RemappedResource |
This Resource implementation remaps the given resource to the given request path.
Renderers |
Collection of utility methods for the Faces API with respect to working with Renderer .
RequestCookieProducer |
Producer for injecting a Faces request cookie as defined by the @ Cookie annotation.
RequiredCheckboxValidator |
The omnifaces.RequiredCheckboxValidator is intented to solve a peculiar problem with
required="true" attribute of UISelectBoolean components like
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox> .
ResetInputAjaxActionListener |
The ResetInputAjaxActionListener will reset input fields which are not executed during ajax submit, but which
are rendered/updated during ajax response.
ResettableBuffer |
Base interface for a resettable buffer.
ResettableBufferedOutputStream |
This resettable buffered output stream will buffer everything until the given threshold buffer size, regardless of
flush calls.
ResettableBufferedWriter |
This resettable buffered writer will buffer everything until the given buffer size, regardless of flush calls.
ResolveComponent |
The <o:resolveComponent> component is a utility component via which a component can be looked up
by its ID and a reference to it put in either the "facelet scope" (default) or the request scope.
ResourceIdentifier |
Convenience class to represent a resource identifier.
ResourceInclude |
The <o:resourceInclude> component can be used to catch the output from a JSP or Servlet
resource and render it as output to the Faces writer.
ResourcePaths |
Utility class for working with (Servlet) resource paths, providing methods to handle their prefixes, slashes, extensions etc.
ScopedRunner |
This class helps in letting code run within its own scope.
ScriptFamily |
Base class which is to be shared between all components of the Script family.
ScriptParam |
The <o:scriptParam> is a component that extends the standard <f:viewParam>
with support for setting results of client-side evaluated JavaScript code in bean.
SelectItemGroups |
The o:selectItemGroups is an extension of UISelectItems which allows you to iterate over a
nested collection representing groups of select items.
SelectItemsBuilder |
Helper class to build an array of SelectItems using various means, like via the builder pattern or a given Map .
SelectItemsCollector |
Collection of utility methods for collecting SelectItem instances from various sources.
SelectItemsConverter |
The omnifaces.SelectItemsConverter allows you to populate a selection component with complex Java
model objects (entities) as value of <f:selectItems> and have Faces convert those
automatically back without the need to provide a custom converter which may need to do the job based on
possibly expensive service/DAO operations.
SelectItemsIndexConverter |
The omnifaces.SelectItemsIndexConverter is a variant of the SelectItemsConverter which
automatically converts based on the position (index) of the selected item in the list instead of the
Object.toString() of the selected item.
SelectItemsUtils |
Collection of utility methods for working with SelectItem or data represented by them.
SerializationCopier |
Copier that copies an object by serializing and subsequently deserializing it again.
Servlets |
Collection of utility methods for the Servlet API in general.
SimpleParam<T> |
This class provides a basic and default implementation of the ParamHolder interface.
SitemapUrl |
The <o:sitemapUrl> is a component which renders the given target URL or Faces view ID as a sitemap
URL with support for adding additional query string parameters to the URL via nested <f:param>
and <o:param> .
SitemapUrl.ChangeFrequency |
The available values of the "changefreq" element of the sitemap URL.
SkipValidators |
Socket |
The <o:socket> is an UIComponent whith opens an one-way (server to client) web socket
based push connection in client side which can be reached from server side via PushContext interface injected
in any CDI/container managed artifact via @ Push annotation.
SocketChannelManager |
This web socket channel manager holds all application and session scoped web socket channel identifiers registered by
<o:socket> .
SocketChannelManager.ViewScope |
This helps the web socket channel manager to hold view scoped web socket channel identifiers registered by
<o:socket> .
SocketEndpoint |
This web socket server endpoint handles web socket requests coming from <o:socket> .
SocketEvent |
SocketEvent.Closed |
Indicates that a socket has closed.
SocketEvent.Opened |
Indicates that a socket has opened.
SocketEvent.Switched |
Indicates that a socket user was switched.
SocketFacesListener |
This Faces listener for UIViewRoot ensures that the necessary JavaScript code to open or close the
WebSocket is properly rendered.
SocketPushContext |
This is a concrete implementation of PushContext interface which is to be injected by
@ Push .
SocketPushContextProducer |
SocketSessionManager |
This web socket session manager holds all web socket sessions by their channel identifier.
SocketUserManager |
This web socket user manager holds all web socket users registered by <o:socket> .
SortedTreeModel<T> |
A concrete implementation of TreeModel which holds the tree children in a TreeSet .
SourceMapResourceHandler |
This ResourceHandler implementation will set the SourceMap response header with the correctly
mapped request path to any discovered source map of any CSS and JS resource.
Startup |
Stereo type that designates a bean as an eagerly instantiated bean with application scope.
State |
Helper class for StateHelper that uses generic type-inference to make code that uses the StateHelper slightly less verbose.
Strings |
Collection of EL functions for string manipulation: of:abbreviate() , of:capitalize() , of:concat() ,
of:prettyURL() , of:encodeURL() , of:encodeURI() , of:encodeBase64() ,
of:escapeJS() , of:stripTags() and of:formatX() .
TagAttribute |
The <o:tagAttribute> is a tag handler that can be used to explicitly declare a tag attribute on
a Facelets tag file.
TimeToLiveCache |
Base class that can be used by Map based caches that don't support time to live semantics and arbitrary attributes natively.
ToCollectionConverter |
The omnifaces.ToCollectionConverter is intented to convert submitted String values to a Java
collection based on a delimiter.
ToLowerCaseConverter |
The omnifaces.ToLowerCaseConverter is intented to convert submitted String values to lower case
based on current Locale .
ToUpperCaseConverter |
The omnifaces.ToUpperCaseConverter is intented to convert submitted String values to upper case
based on current Locale .
Tree |
The <o:tree> allows the developers to have full control over the markup of a tree
hierarchy by declaring the appropriate Faces components or HTML elements in the markup.
TreeFamily |
Base class which is to be shared between all components of the Tree family.
TreeInsertChildren |
The <o:treeInsertChildren> is an UIComponent that represents the insertion point for the
children of a parent tree node which is represented by TreeNodeItem .
TreeModel<T> |
A generic and simple tree data model which is to be used by Tree component.
TreeNode |
The <o:treeNode> is an UIComponent that represents a single tree node within a parent
Tree component.
TreeNodeItem |
The <o:treeNodeItem> is an UIComponent that represents a single child tree node within a
parent TreeNode component.
TrimConverter |
The omnifaces.TrimConverter is intented to trim any whitespace from submitted String values.
UnmappedResourceHandler |
This ResourceHandler implementation allows the developer to map Faces resources on an URL pattern of
/jakarta.faces.resource/* (basically, the value of ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER ) without
the need for an additional FacesServlet prefix or suffix URL pattern in the default produced resource URLs,
such as /jakarta.faces.resource/faces/css/style.css or
/jakarta.faces.resource/css/style.css.xhtml .
UriExtensionRequestWrapper |
This wraps a request to an extensionless Faces view and provides an extension for
all methods that reveal the servlet path.
Url |
The <o:url> is a component which renders the given target URL or Faces view ID as a bookmarkable
URL with support for adding additional query string parameters to the URL via nested <f:param>
and <o:param> , and for exposing it into the request scope by the variable name as specified by
the var attribute instead of rendering it.
UtilFamily |
Base class which is to be shared between all components of the Util family.
Utils |
Collection of general utility methods that do not fit in one of the more specific classes.
ValidateAll |
The <o:validateAll> validates if ALL of the given UIInput components have been filled out.
ValidateAllOrNone |
The <o:validateAllOrNone> validates if at least ALL of the given UIInput components have
been filled out or that NONE of the given UIInput components have been filled out.
ValidateBean |
The <o:validateBean> allows the developer to control bean validation on a per- UICommand
or UIInput component basis, as well as validating a given bean at the class level.
ValidateEqual |
The <o:validateEqual> validates if ALL of the given UIInput components have the same
ValidateMultiple |
The <o:validateMultiple> allows the developer to validate multiple fields by either a custom
validator method:
ValidateMultipleFields |
Base class which is to be shared between all multi field validators.
ValidateMultipleHandler |
ValidateOne |
The <o:validateOne> validates if ONLY ONE of the given UIInput components have been filled
ValidateOneOrMore |
The <o:validateOneOrMore> validates if at least ONE of the given UIInput components has
been filled out.
ValidateOneOrNone |
The <o:validateOneOrNone> validates if ONLY ONE of the given UIInput components has been
filled out or that NONE of the given UIInput components have been filled out.
ValidateOrder |
The <o:validateOrder> validates if the values of the given UIInput components as specified
in the components attribute are in the order as specified by the type attribute which
accepts the following values:
lt (default): from least to greatest, without duplicates.
lte : from least to greatest, allowing duplicates (equal values next to each other).
gt : from greatest to least, without duplicates.
gte : from greatest to least, allowing duplicates (equal values next to each other).
ValidateUnique |
The <o:validateUnique> validates if ALL of the given UIInput components have an unique
ValidateUniqueColumn |
The <o:validateUniqueColumn> validates if the given UIInput component in an UIData
component has an unique value throughout all rows, also those not visible by pagination.
Validator |
The <o:validator> is a taghandler that extends the standard <f:validator> tag
family with support for deferred value expressions in all attributes.
Validator.DeferredValidator |
So that we can have a serializable validator.
ValidatorFamily |
Base class which is to be shared between all components of the Validator family.
ValidatorManager |
The @FacesValidator is by default not eligible for dependency injection by @Inject nor @EJB .
Validators |
ValueChangeConverter<T> |
By default, Faces converters run on every request, regardless of whether the submitted value has changed or not.
ValueChangeValidator<T> |
By default, Faces validators run on every request, regardless of whether the submitted value has changed or not.
ValueExpressionWrapper |
Provides a simple implementation of ValueExpression that can
be sub-classed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior
to an existing ValueExpression instance.
VersionedResourceHandler |
Automatically adds version parameter with query string name v to all resource URLs so, in production mode
they will be cached forever (or as configured in web.xml),
but will not be stale when a new version of the app is deployed.
ViewAction |
The <o:viewAction> is a component that extends the standard <f:viewAction> and
changes the if attribute to be evaluated during INVOKE_APPLICATION phase instead of the
ViewExpiredExceptionHandler |
ViewExpiredExceptionHandlerFactory |
ViewParam |
The <o:viewParam> is a component that extends the standard <f:viewParam> and
provides a stateless mode of operation and fixes the issue wherein null model values are converted to empty string
parameters in query string (e.g.
ViewParamValidationFailed |
<o:viewParamValidationFailed> allows the developer to handle a view parameter validation failure
with either a redirect or an HTTP error status, optionally with respectively a flash message or HTTP error message.
ViewResourceHandler |
This ResourceHandler basically turns any concrete non-Facelets file into a Faces view, so that you can use EL expressions and even Faces components in them.
ViewScopeContext |
ViewScoped |
The CDI view scope annotation, with more optimal handling of bean destroy as compared to standard Faces one.
ViewScopeEventListener |
Listener for Faces view scope destroy events so that view scope manager can be notified.
ViewScopeExtension |
Register the CDI view scope context.
ViewScopeManager |
Manages view scoped bean creation and destroy.
ViewScopeStorage |
Interface for view scope bean storage.
ViewScopeStorageInSession |
Stores view scoped bean instances in a LRU map in HTTP session.
ViewScopeStorageInViewState |
Stores view scoped bean instances in Faces view state itself.
WebAppManifest |
WebAppManifest.Category |
WebAppManifest.Dir |
WebAppManifest.Display |
WebAppManifest.ImageResource |
WebAppManifest.Orientation |
WebAppManifest.Platform |
WebAppManifest.RelatedApplication |
WebAppManifest.Size |
WebXml |
This configuration interface parses the /WEB-INF/web.xml and all /META-INF/web-fragment files
found in the classpath and offers methods to obtain information from them which is not available by the standard
Servlet API.
WebXmlProducer |
Xml |
Collection of utility methods for the JAXP API in general.