
Tag massAttribute

nametruejava.lang.String The name of the attribute to be set on all nested components. This cannot be set to id or binding as those are already evaluated during view build time and they shouldn't be shared among components anyway.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object)
The value of the attribute to be set on all nested components. This will be evaluated on a per-component basis. In other words, #{component} can be used here to refer the "current" component.
targetfalsejava.lang.String The FQN (fully qualified name) of the specific UIComponent (super)class for which the attribute should be set. For example, jakarta.faces.component.UIInput which has the valid property. Since OmniFaces 3.10, this value can be a comma separated string of FQNs.

Output generated by Vdldoc View Declaration Language Documentation Generator.