Class Form

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ClientBehaviorHolder, NamingContainer, PartialStateHolder, StateHolder, TransientStateHolder, UniqueIdVendor, ComponentSystemEventListener, FacesListener, SystemEventListenerHolder, EventListener

    public class Form
    extends HtmlForm

    The <o:form> is a component that extends the standard <h:form> and submits to exactly the request URI with query string as seen in browser's address. Standard Faces <h:form> submits to the view ID and does not include any query string parameters or path parameters and may therefore fail in cases when the form is submitted to a request scoped bean which relies on the same initial query string parameters or path parameters still being present in the request URI. This is particularly useful if you're using FacesViews or forwarding everything to 1 page.

    Additionally, it offers in combination with the <o:ignoreValidationFailed> tag on an UICommand component the possibility to ignore validation failures so that the invoke action phase will be executed anyway.

    Since version 2.1 this component also supports adding query string parameters to the action URL via nested <f:param> and <o:param>.

    Since version 3.0, it will also during ajax requests automatically send only the form data which actually need to be processed as opposed to the entire form, based on the execute attribute of any nested <f:ajax>. This feature is similar to partialSubmit feature of PrimeFaces. This will reduce the request payload when used in large forms such as editable tables.

    You can use it the same way as <h:form>, you only need to change h: to o:.

    Use request URI

    This was available since version 1.6, but since version 3.0, this has become enabled by default. So just using <o:form> will already submit to the exact request URI with query string as seen in browser's address bar. In order to turn off this behavior, set useRequestURI attribute to false.

     <o:form useRequestURI="false">

    Include request params

    When you want to include request parameters only instead of the entire request URI with query string, set the includeRequestParams attribute to true. This will implicitly set useRequestURI attribute to false.

     <o:form includeRequestParams="true">

    Partial submit

    This is the default behavior. So just using <o:form> will already cause the <f:ajax> to send only the form data which actually need to be processed. In order to turn off this behavior, set partialSubmit attribute to false.

     <o:form partialSubmit="false">

    Add query string parameters to action URL

    The standard UIForm doesn't support adding query string parameters to the action URL. This component offers this possibility via nested <f:param> and <o:param>.

         <f:param name="somename" value="somevalue" />

    The <f|o:param> will override any included view or request parameters on the same name. To conditionally add or override, use the disabled attribute of <f|o:param>.

    The support was added in OmniFaces 2.2.

    Ignore Validation Failed

    In order to properly use the <o:ignoreValidationFailed> tag on an UICommand component, its parent <h:form> component has to be replaced by this <o:form> component. See also IgnoreValidationFailed.

    Arjan Tijms, Bauke Scholtz
    See Also:
    • Field Detail


        public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE
        The component type, which is "org.omnifaces.component.input.Form".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Form

        public Form()
    • Method Detail

      • isIncludeRequestParams

        public boolean isIncludeRequestParams()
        Returns whether or not the request parameters should be encoded into the form's action URL.
        Whether or not the request parameters should be encoded into the form's action URL.
      • setIncludeRequestParams

        public void setIncludeRequestParams​(boolean includeRequestParams)
        Set whether or not the request parameters should be encoded into the form's action URL.
        includeRequestParams - Whether or not the request parameters should be encoded into the form's action URL.
      • isUseRequestURI

        public boolean isUseRequestURI()
        Returns whether the request URI should be used as form's action URL. Defaults to true. This setting is ignored when includeRequestParams is set to true.
        Whether the request URI should be used as form's action URL.
      • setUseRequestURI

        public void setUseRequestURI​(boolean useRequestURI)
        Set whether the request URI should be used as form's action URL. This setting is ignored when includeRequestParams is set to true.
        useRequestURI - Whether the request URI should be used as form's action URL.
      • isIgnoreValidationFailed

        public boolean isIgnoreValidationFailed()
        Returns whether or not the form should ignore validation fail (and thus proceed to update model/invoke action).
        Whether or not the form should ignore validation fail.
      • setIgnoreValidationFailed

        public void setIgnoreValidationFailed​(boolean ignoreValidationFailed)
        Set whether the form should ignore validation fail.
        ignoreValidationFailed - Whether the form should ignore validation fail.
      • isPartialSubmit

        public boolean isPartialSubmit()
        Returns whether to send only the form data which actually need to be processed as opposed to the entire form. Defaults to true.
        Whether to send only the form data which actually need to be processed as opposed to the entire form.
      • setPartialSubmit

        public void setPartialSubmit​(boolean partialSubmit)
        Set whether to send only the form data which actually need to be processed as opposed to the entire form.
        partialSubmit - Whether to send only the form data which actually need to be processed as opposed to the entire form.