OmniFaces UI


This is actually not supposed to be a public web page.

The is supposed to be the XML namespace URI of OmniFaces UI components for OmniFaces versions until 4.x. Usually, you declare this URI in the XML root element of your XHTML file as below in order to use OmniFaces UI components within the element.

<html ... xmlns:o="">

Normally, XML namespace URIs do not represent actual web resources. That they start with http:// is indeed confusing to starters, but that's so far the best way to have a unique resource identifier (URI) for a XML namespace.

Since OmniFaces 5.0, the XML namespace URI is finally in URN format instead of URL format, aligned with the same change in Faces 4.0. So you won't anymore be confused it being in URL format. Upgrade to OmniFaces 5.0 and adjust all XML namespace URIs to be in URN format instead of URL format as soon as you can.

<html ... xmlns:o="omnifaces">

How does it work then?

During webapp's startup, Facelets will parse any .taglib.xml file found in the web application and remember its structure by the <namespace> entry. This way Facelets can find the appropriate tagfiles, TagHandler classes and/or UIComponent classes for any <o:xxx> tag. Also, this way any IDE such as Eclipse can load the appropriate tag/attribute listing/documentation which is displayed on mouseover or autocomplete. You can find the OmniFaces UI .taglib.xml source code here.

But my OmniFaces tags doesn't work!

And that's why you looked up here? Well, apparently the OmniFaces JAR is just missing in webapp's runtime classpath. Make sure that the JAR file is present in /WEB-INF/lib folder of the built WAR file. If you're not using a dependency management framework such as Maven, then this is usually to be achieved by manually placing a copy of the JAR file straight in the /WEB-INF/lib folder of your webapp project.

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